2 new OPRD schemes are launched
I. BG161PO001/1.5-03/2011 “Support for integrated urban transport in the five big cities”
A new OPRD grant scheme is launched - BG161PO001/1.5-03/2011 “Support for integrated urban transport in the five big cities”
The Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works has announced a procedure for direct provision of grants of Operational Programme Regional Development 2007-2013 and invites the municipalities of Plovdiv, Varna, Pleven, Russe and Stara Zagora to submit project proposals under Priority Axis 1: “Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development”, Operation 1.5 “Sustainable Urban Transport Systems”, grant scheme BG161PO001/1.5-03/2011 “Support for integrated urban transport in the five big cities”.
The grant scheme objectives are:
Establishment of a more efficient and speedy public urban transport with less energy consumption;
Construction of a more accessible secondary infrastructure of public transport networks and introduction of environmentally friendly modes of urban transport;
Increasing the attractiveness and use of public urban transport;
Improvement of the city’s functionality and people’s mobility;
Reduction of traffic jams and enhancement of the opportunities provided by urban transport;
Ensuring social inclusion and equal access to vulnerable groups.
The grant scheme is implemented with the EU financial support provided through the European Regional Development Fund. Projects will be implemented on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria within the cities of Plovdiv, Varna, Pleven, Russe and Stara Zagora.
Activities to be supported:
development of traffic management plans and installation of automated management and control systems by introducing and improving the systems for management and information services (for example traffic management centers; centralized computer system; vehicle detector stations; remotely replaceable information panels; scales; communication sub-systems);
improvement of accessibility to urban bus stations – platforms for people with disabilities; removal of obstacles to orientation and information; light and sound announcement at bus stops; clear visual marking of bus lines; schedules comprehendible to people with poor eyesight, information for blind people, etc.);
- renovation of transport infrastructure – contact network, improvement of bus stops, auto repair, maintenance and equipment base;
- development of infrastructure route network with new destinations to remote residential areas;
- provision of a noise protection system – equipping tram lines with anti-vibration and noise reduction elements;
- rehabilitation and reconstruction of street network, including surveillance systems, etc. related to development of the integrated urban transport system;
- development and improvement of public urban transport systems using buses, trams, trolleys corresponding to European legislation on engines’ harmful emissions and use of renewable/alternative energy sources in urban transport.
- construction/reconstruction/rehabilitation of pedestrian lanes and pavements, bicycle lanes, pedestrian areas, pedestrian and cyclist lanes, underpasses, transport infrastructure, including related activities – placement of indicative signs, markings, etc. as a part of the integrated urban transport system;
- measures related to parking organization in proximity to key areas of public urban transport.
The total scheme amount adds up to BGN 203 655 639,43.
Deadline for submission of project proposals: 15 March, 2012, 16 PM local time.
II. BG161PO001/3.2-02/2011 “Support for development of the regional tourism product and marketing of destinations”
Specific objectives of the scheme are:
- support of destinations with significant tourism potential promoting natural, cultural and historical heritage;
- economic diversification of the relevant territory or region and reducing territorial concentration of tourism;
- encouragement of supply out of season, reducing seasonality and increasing bed places occupancy;
- attracting new market segments for specific regional products and using potential demand of the internal market;
- using effective contemporary means and techniques for reaching tourism markets.
The grant scheme is implemented with the EU financial support provided through the European Regional Development Fund.
Projects will be implemented on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and the European Union in cases of participation of international tourism stock exchange markets, exhibitions and fairs.
Eligible activities in support of the proposed tourism product:
- Development of tourism packages or diversification of the existing ones;
- Promotional activities – preparation and dissemination of information and promotional/advertising materials for the tourism region and proposals for development of the tourism product;
- Participation in regional, national and international tourism stock exchange markets, exhibitions and fairs;
- Impact assessments of implemented marketing and promotional/advertising activities;
- Organization of expedition tours, visits of travel agents, tour operators, authors of travel guides; journalists;
- Support of activities for public awareness and information services – communication campaigns for improving the awareness on natural, cultural and historical heritage and the contribution of tourism to development, dissemination of an adequate information in the tourism business sector, organization of tourism forums to encourage efficient bilateral communication, participation and commitment of local businesses in the identification and resolution of common issues.
Project proposals are to be submitted electronically by using the Electronic Services Module of the Management and Monitoring Information System of EU Structural Instruments in Bulgaria (MMIS).
Deadline for submission of project proposals: 15 March, 2012, 16 PM local time.
The full package of documents and Guidelines for Applicants are published on web sites http://www.mrrb.government.bg/, http://www.bgregio.eu/ and http://www.eufunds.bg/.