Beneficiaries Training

29 July 2014, Sofia - Seminar for beneficiaries of OPRD: „Lawful conduct of public procurement procedures co-financed by EU funds”

Module: „Lawful award of public procurement procedures co-financed by EU funds”



On 21.01.2011 a contract is signed for: “Elaboration of specific training under operations for beneficiaries and consultation on development and implementation of OPRD projects” with the purpose to strengthen the capacity of beneficiaries in the processes of project development, management and implementation of signed contracts under OP “Regional Development” grant schemes.  

Within the framework of the contract to be implemented in 24 months are envisages 100 trainings and a minimum of 1500 trained representatives of the programme’s beneficiaries.

Training programmes are to be developed after analysis of the training needs of relevant beneficiaries, in consistency with the specificity of grant schemes under which they are eligible to apply. In this regard the following types of trainings will be held:

1) trainings for development of projects under OPRD grant schemes in accordance with the Indicative Annual Work Programmes;

2) trainings for project management with beneficiaries that signed contracts under relevant grant schemes;

3) trainings for exchange of experience and good practices in EU Member States with positive experience in regional policy management. 

Summary of training of beneficiaries

Last modified: Friday, August 01, 2014 4:42 PM

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