OPRD Monitoring Committee

Monitoring Committee of Operational Programme “Regional Development” (OPRD)

The Monitoring Committee of OPRD can make decisions for reallocation of funds between operations under the relevant priority axis. In cases where the Monitoring Committee decides to reallocate EU funds from one operation to another the relevant transfer is made as regards to national co-financing. Decision for all changes concerning funds by the European Regional Development Fund and all transfers of funds between OPRD priority axes is made by the European Commission after coordination with the Monitoring Committee.

The Monitoring Committee of OP “Regional Development” is chaired by the Head of the Managing Authority responsible for DG “Programming of Regional Development”. Members of the Monitoring Committee are gathered from the Working Group participating in the preparation of OPRD. The committee is established in accordance with the Guidelines provided by the Central Coordination Unit at the Council of Ministers for the general framework for monitoring as defined in the National Strategic Reference Framework.


The Monitoring Committee and its membership are established by the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works with enlisted members, their deputies, the right to vote, as well as observers. The relevant institutions and organizations identify MC members on the basis of selection criteria and procedures coordinated with the Managing Authority in advance.

Last modified: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 4:41 PM

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