Priority Axis 5: Technical Assistance

The sound management and implementation of OPRD requires particular attention to technical assistance measures in order to answer to the main needs of support for programme coordination and to strengthen the capacity building of administrative structures involved in its implementation as stated by Article 46 of the General Regulation.

The first period of SF implementation is a real challenge for both - the Managing Authority (incl. regional departments) and the final beneficiaries and the technical assistance support is of particular importance, especially in the first years of OPRD implementation.   

The aim of the Priority axis “Technical assistance” is to guarantee the smooth management, monitoring, evaluation, information and control of the programme, thus ensuring high level of absorption of EU funds. Because of its scope and number of potential beneficiaries the publicity and information measures are of particular importance.

Capacity building activities for the MA staff and the OPRD beneficiaries are key element to enable successful management and implementation. On the basis of the results and acquired knowledge under the pre-accession instruments projects this Technical Assistance Priority Axis will continue to pay specific attention to reinforce administrative capacity for implementing at central, regional and local level in addition to the MA strong emphasis on the human resources aspect.

Training of staff of all organizations involved at all territorial levels and at all stages – programming, management, monitoring, control and implementation of OPRD, project generation and project pipeline development, awareness raising, strengthening the capacity of the potential beneficiaries, dissemination of information, knowledge and skills throughout the country will be supported.

With reference to its specific contents, technical assistance provides for different kinds of services and activities addressed to obtain high levels of efficiency in the planning and managing processes of co-financed projects through innovative or traditional instruments and methodologies. In this way the technical assistance actions immediately after the programme start will provide the central and local administrative structures with the main instruments for implementing activities eligible under the OPRD (rules, procedures, guidelines, methodologies, etc.).

The priority axis support will be targeted at activities related to constant reviewing of the progress of OPRD management and implementation, the performance of different types of studies, analysis, reports facilitating the implementation and evaluating the impact of the envisaged measures under the OPRD in light of the efficient and effective absorption of ERDF support.

Specific objective

To support activities in order to provide sound and effective programming, management, monitoring, evaluation, information and control of OPRD, reinforcing the MA and beneficiaries’ administrative capacity for successful implementation and ensuring high levels of SF absorption.

Operations to be supported

The following kinds of operations will be supported under this priority axis:

Operation 5.1: Programming, Management, Monitoring, Evaluation and Control
Operation 5.2: Communication, Information and Publicity
Operation 5.3: Capacity building of OPRD beneficiaries

Last modified: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 4:31 PM