Completed schemes
BG161PO001/3.3-01/2008 Support for effective national marketing of the tourist product and improvement of information services

The Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works notifies the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism that in accordance with Article 34 of CMD No121/31.05.2007, and on the grounds of Order No РД-02-14-1998/30.09.2011 issued by the Head of the Managing Authority of Operational Programme Regional Development 2007-2013 under grant scheme BG161PO001/3.3-01/2008 Support for effective national marketing of the tourist product and improvement of information servicesthe following correction has been made:

The deadline for submitting project fiches in 2011 is from 01 April to 30 April, 2011 and from 01 September to 31 October, 2011.

The corrected Guidelines for Applicants under the procedure are published on the web site of the operational programme, section Applying/ Actual schemes, on the web site of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works:, and on the Single Information Web Portal

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